An innovative legacy
Roseman’s journey begins in the late 1970s, when Bruria and Yechiel Roseman founded Roseman Engineering and developed an innovative controller for inhouse gas station system’ at Egged – Israel’s national mass transportation company, request.
We have been leading the fuel management solutions sector for five decades by introducing robust solutions, creative tools, and groundbreaking technologies inspired by our clients all over the globe.
Roseman launches a series of fleet management solutions for electric vehicles
A new and innovative Vehicle fleet management system is born, allowing optimization using data integration.
Roseman introduces its Vehicle fleet management App
1998 - 2008 Pazomat’s groundbreaking technology concurs with the Brazilian, Turkish, American, and Indian markets, with the partnership with BP, Asset Works and IOCL.
The Pazomat technology - RFC 3000 allows for the first time, authorizing transactions in real-time, long before credit cards.
Roseman introduces the Pazomat (VID): an innovative technology that revolutionized payment methods for fleet managers and changes the way enterprises manage their fuel expenses.
The innovative controller – RFC 2000, receives Israel’s Agriculture Ministry endorsement and is used by the agricultural sector.
Roseman developed an innovative controller for an inhouse gas station system’ for Egged – Israel's national mass transportation company
Bruria and Yechiel Roseman founded Roseman Engineering